Randy is delighted to be home for many reasons, including being in a kitchen where he can cook! He celebrated by inviting our friend Marcia over for dinner, which included smoked grouper spread (amazingly sweet, and one of my new favorites), stir fried vegetables, Caprese salad, lasagna, and Key Lime pie. After all those days with nothing good to eat, this was so welcome!!
We were Full-Time RVers who transitioned to Part-Time RVers, traveling across the USA with our pets to experience and share the best sights, sounds, and tastes of this country with our family and new friends.
Really excellent old beef
One side effect of our extended stay in Italy was that the prime beef Randy was aging ended up aging longer than anticipated. On June 14th we got it out of the fridge; Randy assured me that it was supposed to look like this...
Today day he set about transforming it. It took lots of weighing and trimming to convert what looked like a mess (to me, not to Randy) into something wonderful.
He was careful to trim only what needed to go. This beef is really well aged and very dark.
June 14 so good to be home
It is so very, very good to be home. Home to our sweet Shorty, our own bed, our washer and dryer, our groceries. Randy is cooking up a storm and practicing making Italian coffees. So good to be home!!!
2022 06 13 Monday at last!
We didn't sleep much so a little after 5 we got up, showered, repacked. Prayed. Prayed hard.
2022 06 12 Sunday
I couldn't face the Cornetto again so I had Melba toast. Fortunately the jam this morning was apricot, with a simpler taste and edible. The rolls are still hard.

Then we packed up for the airplane - so excited!
The A/C here can keep the room cool as long as the curtains were closed. But if they were opened to let in the light, everything got sweaty. There was nothing outside of the window besides a weed-filled ditch anyway - no birds or flowers.
Fortunately Randy had packed one of the precious bars of Lux soap that he bought at the Coop several days ago. It is a great improvement over the tiny bits of soap here.
People came by to take our temperature again this morning. I got a look at Randy's temperate reading and it was 29.2 Celsius, which is 84 Fahrenheit....I don't have any faith in their medical system here. A few hours later they came by to check his again...no kidding.
Lunch today was actually good. Or I was extra hungry. I took the meatballs out of the greasy mushrooms, mixed them with the pasta and ground beef, and ate more than I have since I got here. Watermelon was OK too. But not that rolll...

We sat around, passing the time by on our laptop and phones.
A couple of times we have had to help the toilet out with a bucket full of water, but we stayed in this room because the AC worked (as long as the window shades were closed).
Neither of us could eat the dinner tonight. At a glance it might have been good.

But none of it was any good at all. Not the pasta, not the salad, and certainly not the seafood salad. There are chefs who could make this good, but none of them work here.

I drank some old apricot juice box and Randy ate some more of Glenda's tuna.
2022 06 11 Saturday
We were up by 7:30. Randy upgraded our seats, and we will leave on Monday!! Once again breakfast was lukewarm coffee, warmed milk, fruit juice box, and a Cornetto sweetened roll. That roll is still no good so I started tearing apart the hard rolls we got for other meals and eating the insides.
20222 06 10 Friday - Healed!!!
This morning I am healed!! What social medicine cannot do, God can. Praise God! The relief of finally not being in pain is amazing.
At 1:30 am we got a call to confirm the flight. The guy apologized for calling at that hour but he thought we'd want to know asap, and he was right!
2022 06 08/09 Covid and Social Medicine
Later Wednesday evening I got very, very sick. I threw up several times and had terrible, constant, intensive cramps. After 3 hours I asked to go to hospital. Randy contacted our manager who called a taxi and recommended a good hospital.
2022 06 08 Wednesday part 1
2022 06 07
This was another not good morning. Our room is so hot that it's hard to sleep and hard to stay in during the day. I did some hand laundry and we had breakfast from some of the bread, cheese, and ham from our COOP purchases. Then we had to leave the room so they could clean it.
When we came back we decided to look for our next hotel. Randy found one and we walked over to see it while the A/C was being fixed in our current room. The new hotel looks better, so we'll stay there 3 nights.
Unfortunately when we got back the A/C was still not fixed. We had to go out for lunch so we went down the street to Staroccia, and small deli with outside seating. I prefer outside seating so I can stay away from people.
2022/06/06 REALLY on our own in Rome
It was hard to get going this morning, a little depression was seeping in. Randy walked over to see our next hotel and get some breakfast somewhere for us. He came back with a great breakfast from our current hotels' breakfast room, which the staff fixed for us. That was nice of them and the friendly gesture cheered me up a bit.
The center section was corded off, to keep people moving around the outer edge where the tombs are. I wanted to see Raphael's tomb and there it was, close to the ground. The spotlight is a nice touch but it doesn't photograph well.
Afterwards we went back to the church that I came here to see....and found it is completely blocked off for restoration. That was a huge disappointment; I doubt I'll come to Rome again and I wanted to see that little saint!I peeked inside but she was not there; no doubt safety stored away until restoration is complete. Bummer. Time to walk all the way back. We noticed that in some places those volcanic cobblestone are quite loose. The sand around them has been washed or picked away.
We stopped by McDonalds for a restroom break and bought a sandwich as is politely expected, then continued onward. We passed one of the Gelato carts that used to be so plentiful in Rome but now are few and far between.
As we passed the Basilica De Santa Maria Degli Angeli we decided to stop and look in. Very, very beautiful church.