Wow... it's even better the next day.
We were Full-Time RVers who transitioned to Part-Time RVers, traveling across the USA with our pets to experience and share the best sights, sounds, and tastes of this country with our family and new friends.
When we were in Rome's airport waiting to fly back home, we had a Porchetta sandwich for lunch. It was very good so of course Randy wanted to make it at home. His version of this very old and very Roman dish started with pork belly, with layers and layers of good stuff on top.
Then he ground some fresh parmesan cheese onto it...yep, that should be enough!a tiny rescue
Tuesday we headed to Ocala to go to lunch. At an intersection we saw a woman holding a cardboard sign, asking for money. She was very dazed-looking, not quite all there, and wearing jeans and a sports bra. But in her bra she had tucked a tiny kitten. It's head and front paws were wedged above the bra and its body and hind legs were dangling below. Its head was lolling sideways and we weren't sure it was still alive. It was at least 95 out in the sun, where the kitten was, and he was squashed against her. The light changed as we came up so we couldn't stop but we just could not stand it - we found a place to turn around and go back. I got out and offered to buy the kitten, which I was glad to see could still move it's head a bit. She wanted to check with her guy, who was sitting in the shade under the overpass. He would let me have the kitten for $20. Sold.
The first thing we did when we got home was get that baby some food! Randy had bought some wet kitten food to start with. Kitty was very, very happy with that!

He is such a beautiful kitten! Obviously he's part Siamese; I hope he keeps those amazing blue eyes. And the pads of his feet are coal black!After a bit he got restless and walked onto my lap, where he took a long, long pee! We were able to keep it from getting on the couch so no problem. He had not used the litter box before, but this seemed to fix that because afterwards he would use the litter box for both jobs; I think he was just too dehydrated before.
I finally see the bear!
We really try to not tempt the bears around here. We are very careful to tightly bag and cover anything that might smell appetizing in the garbage can, and the nights before garbage pickup we sometimes do not put dinner's garbage out until the next morning. But Randy cooks amazing things and there isn't any other place to dispose of our garbage.
A few times a bear has gotten into our can. He's pretty resourceful; he pads to the front of our truck and scoots the can out to the yard or street without disturbing much.
Last night the bear showed up again. He took a sniff at the closed garbage can to decide if he wanted to try it.
Fortunately as he pulled the can across the driveway something spooked him and he left. This is as close as I want to see a bear!
Tiny Critters
We have a bear problem.
Well, the bear is back. He's been here 3 times in the last 3 weeks; apparently our garbage cans are on his route now. I can hardly blame him, when Randy makes such good food. But we are going to have to do sometime about this.
I still want to see him/her. The other night I was up at 3 am and heard a thunk. I just knew it was the little scuba tank being knocked over, and only a bear could do that. I set my phone on camera, got a small flashlight, and went to the door. Fortunately I had just enough sense to stop. This did not seem smart, even to me!
So the bear is still making a mess and I am still plotting how to see it without becoming a statistic.