Bordeaux wine

At one point Dennis needed to pick up several bottles of wine for a company event. The best wine available was in Bordeaux, France, so that's where he went. Never one to miss a trip, Rita and I joined him.

Along the way we got him to stop at Cap Ferret, where we got out to gather sea shells. It was overcast and windy, but a lot of fun!
Then back in the car and on to Bordeaux. We wandered around the town just a bit before finding the wine store.
Our real destination was the Badie Wine shop. I don't know anything about wine or France, but they had a lot of excellent wine.
But the carved heads over the doorways interested me more than wine!
Dennis bought a ton of wine. We completely filled the trunk and piled the rest in the backseat, beside me. Of course Spain has bootlegging laws, too, and it was surely against the law to transport that much alcohol across the border. Dennis hatched a plan, in typical Dennis fashion. If we got stopped, we all would pretend to not be able to speak or understand Spanish, which was not much of a stretch for me. My specific job was to drap my coat over the cases of wine beside me, lean over them and pretend to be asleep. I am not sure why Dennis thought this would work; we had so much wine loaded into the back of that car that the headlights pointed up at the treetops. Fortunately we didn't get stopped.

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