07/27/09 Getting ready

We have a list of things that need to be done before we leave, and it seems like a huge list!  Probably the most critical thing is insurance. I am looking at various insurance options now.

Over the weekend we went through everything in the RV again, except the storage bins under it. We pulled everything out of the drawers and cabinets, decided if we could get rid of some more, and reorganized. We had a bunch of cooking pans in the storage area under the bed, and that was not working well. We have to lift the mattress to get to that area, so we didn’t use those cooking pans. Now we have winter clothes and Christmas stuff under there, as well as my 2 quilts. I hope to use those quilts again someday but for now, they are safely stored away. We used vacuum bags for the quilts so they don’t take up much space. Randy has found a place for some of my photo albums, so now I need to see if they all fit. I will work on putting most of the pictures onto disk but that will take some time, and I will always have a few things that I want to keep in a book. This weekend we will do the same cleanup and organization for the storage bins under the RV.

Randy has already installed the new bookcase. It looks great, and it holds a TON of books! Randy was able to fit all his cookbooks in it. We don’t have room for any other books there, but that opened up a lot of space elsewhere.  

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