I would love to pretend this is really the local car wash, but it’s a fire department fundraiser. Pretty funny, though!
On a more serious note, we almost lost Julienne a couple of weeks ago. She has a nasty habit of snacking out of the litter box; we use clumping litter, which absorbs about 30 times its weight in liquid. That, inside a small dog, is not a good thing. One evening she started having tremors and staggering around. With some advice from a friend here, we got her to vomit up most of the mess she had stolen from the litter box, but she continued to have severe seizures for about 30 minutes. Eventually she calmed down and got better, but it was a very bad scare. So we have been experimenting with other types of litter. I’ve torn up bundles of newspaper and dried out a big bucket beach sand. The cats have cautiously used both of those substitutes but they are very messy. Now we are trying to put a gate in the bathroom doorway, where the litter box is. Not only will it keep the dogs out of the litter, but it will also keep them out of the cat food and off the bed. I don’t really mind them on the bed, but Julienne likes to paw up a soft cushion of bedspread before she lies down, which is pretty tough on bedspreads. So if the baby gate works, it will solve a lot of problems.
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