December 31, 2010

Mountain Lake is a camping resort about 45 minutes from here. It’s stocked with trout, and Randy and Jack have had good fishing there. So yesterday morning we all got up before 4 am and drove up to the lake (apparently trout bite best in the early, early morning). The lake had been stocked the day before but it didn’t make any difference to us - we couldn’t catch anything. It didn’t help that the temperature was almost freezing and the wind blew hard down from the mountains - and some of those mountains had snow on them. Then Randy caught a big beautiful trout.

But none of it’s fishy friends showed up to join us, so we packed up and came back home to get warm. California has been unpredictable lately. By the time the rain let up, Teresa’s backyard was so soaked that the morning sun caused it to steam.

And this morning it was so cold that the water line to the RV froze! What happened to to California sunshine?

Tonight the extended California Booth clan gathered to ring in the new year, but Randy and I called it a night early. 2011 will arrive just fine, and we'll greet it tomorrow.

Happy New Year to all!

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