Throughout the year we've gotten to visit my family in Washington a few times, including on my birthday. 

There was a rare occasion when some of Mom's family came to visit her! Aunt Joyce (in pigtails) and Great Aunt Florence, along with a couple of Joyce's granddaughters. Kathy, Mom, and I were so happy to visit with them. But where was Ruth!?! Probably working at the hospital, it's hard to get a day off there. 

We visted with Ruch another time, with Ed baby Pete. He's too young to care where he is, as long as someone is holding him. 

The House on the River

Still working on the house on the river. The front door opens to stairs going down to the basement, or up to the living room. 

We cleaned and filled the kitchen with our stuff and it works fine.


I like the living room, although I have a clothes rack there right now because the closets are completely torn up. 

Our truck is getting quite a workout, hauling all the materials!
The hallway to the bedrooms is spotted with drywall mud covering the nails. Soon we'll get this part finished. But there is a lot to do...
We are trying to build up the land around the house. 
But what in the world can we do about the back "yard"?!