Flying out to lunch

Randy's friend Pete invited us to join him and his wife Shannon for crab legs at Riptides. Say "crab legs" and I'm there! Then I found out that Pete would be flying us to Ormond Beach. I'm a bit of a nervous flier nowadays (although back in 89 I flew so much it was like getting in a car). Pete, it turns out, is a very good pilot. He and Randy sat up front and talked about pilot-stuff.

At Ormond Beach we had to wait about 2 minutes to land, and when we turned around for the landing, it was quite a turn!
But Pete handled it smoothly and we landed just fine. We met up with Shannon and drove her car to the restaurant. Randy ordered oysters while Pete and I had crab legs and more crab legs! 
Shannon enjoyed the fish tacos, although I think she liked the yummy (non-alcoholic) drink in a coconut even more.
After a great lunch we flew back. What a lovely, lovely way to do lunch!