2/14/24 A map of trouble

Tomorrow Randy is going to start getting radiation to kill the tumor part of his cancer (this will not fix the bone/blood cancer). Today he went to Dr. Purdon's office so they could map out the area to treat. They gave did some X-rays, then gave him a tiny tattooed dot to mark the main focus point. They used a sharpie to circle it and make an outline of the treatment area. Too big.

Making a plan

Randy had a reaction to iodine used in his CT scan, lasting through the next day. So now we know he's allergic to that. 

He went back to Shands for a whole body scan which showed several bone lesions. None of them are causing pain except the one in his shoulder so that is the only one Dr. Gibbs is focusing on. Even though he's a surgeon Dr Gibbs wants to avoid surgery if possible because the bone is so fragile. So Randy will get radiation for the shoulder tumor and get treatment from a Medical Oncologist, and perhaps the shoulder will heal without surgery.