Continuing the journey at home

Since we've been home Randy has continued to struggle with loss of appetite caused by an odd, uneasy nausea. Eventually Dr Dean told us that it was probably because his digestive system was sloughing off what was killed by the chemo. That has been getting a little better, thank God.

We have been self-quarantining since Randy started chemo treatments in February. For someone as social as Randy that is a very long time to be away from the people he loves. Fortunately the journey is made easier with support of others. The texts and calls from friends mean so much. People have sent us cards and gifts, and now are bringing us meals. The local Weight Watcher group that Randy has attended even sent this lovely hand-written quilt!

The cycle continues, and we are on a high note again

For several weeks I have had nothing unusual to write about because the days have been the same. Randy has been in a state of extreme exhaustion, trying to come out of it enough each day to eat something and do a little activity. And every Friday we have driven back to Gainesville to get his blood tested again. At the high point in the hospital his ANC was over 6,000. Unfortunately it has been going down steadily and as of last Friday it had sunk to about 1,100, and we were getting concerned. 

But today his ANC was (drum roll) 4,590!  And his WBC and Platelets are normal, too! So much good news in one day!