Silver City - Sept 29, 2009

For breakfast Randy fixed omelets with his home-made smoked salmon, capers, cream cheese and sliced onions – what a great breakfast!

Then we left Truth or Consequences and headed for Silver City. Along the way we stopped at the little town of Hatch, which is apparently famous for its chili pepper. The pepper harvest has already started because some stores had their roofs covered with chili peppers, drying in the morning sun. We stopped at a couple to look around and then bought a ristra (a string of chilies) of regular red peppers and a wreath of hotter piquin peppers, all for $25. Randy will use all the peppers for cooking, but if he doesn’t use the entire wreath, I plan to use it as our Christmas wreath this year.
We checked into the RV park at Silver City, New Mexico – this is a small park but comfortable and nicely situated in town. We went to Jalisco Café for a late lunch of a quesadilla appetizer and a combination plate of red chili enchilada, chicken tacos, rice and beans. After a short nap we walked around a bit, but we were still really tired so we called it an early night.

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