October 6, 2011

To celebrate being in St. Louis we went to Carl’s Deli (of course!) and to Soulard’s Farmers Market.  If you get to St. Louis, you MUST do both of these things.  Right now Sourlard’s is a great place to get beautiful fall pumpkins and gourds.
Yesterday Randy and I were giving some tourist advise to a couple visiting St. Louis for the first time and I realized that I hadn’t kept up on the sights and places I was recommending.  So I’m going to start visiting or re-visiting some of the St. Louis highlights.  For starters, this afternoon we went to the Zoo.  St. Louis has one of the best zoos in the country, and to top it all off, admission is free!  If you are lucky enough to find free parking on the street, as we did, it’s that much better.
Truthfully, I am usually a bit of a pain when we go somewhere where there are animals; I act like I’m on special assignment for National Geographic and they are counting on me to get the perfect picture.  This time I just went to relax and enjoy the sights.  We saw a rhino mamma with her big baby . . .
and an elephant mamma with her even bigger baby.
There were some lovely Thompson’s gazelles there; they are on the menu of so many of the big cats that we think of as the “Fast Food of the Serengeti".  Camels sat quietly, looking just like the big rocks in their enclosure.  The Grizzly bear decided the only way to handle the un-seasonal heat was to sit in her pool, chin on the edge, and watch the tourists.  The penguins were being fed while we were there; we were surprised at how polite they were, waiting for the keeper to get to each of them.

I always thought the giraffe was the most graceful animal, but now I have to give that distinction to the hippo.  Four of these huge, bulky animals were playing in the pool, and the clear side panel gave us an amazing view.  They danced on their toes, doing leisurely pirouettes and slow-moving leaps through the water.   And while I know that the best zoo can not match a life in the wild, these hippos really seemed to be enjoying themselves.  

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