02/10/09 Visits from Family

We had a pretty busy weekend here.  Randy’s brother and sister-in-law Lonnie and Chris came to visit Thursday.  They are both retired; they took a month off to tour around the country, and stopped by on their way back home.  They have a nice pull-behind camper and they travel with their dog – I think she’s part pit bull and part Great Dane.  She is the biggest and friendliest dog you’ve ever seen.  

Thursday for dinner we went to Guido’s, on the Hill.  We had an amazing dinner – most of us ordered pasta, and we had fried artichoke hearts for an appetizer.  It was just great – Lonnie said it might have been the best meal he ever had!

When Randy shows someone around St. Louis, the focus is mostly on food. So we took them to a couple of bakeries, got some pastries and then went to a shop on Lafayette Square for coffee. We sat at a picnic table in the square and enjoyed pastries and coffee. The weather cooperated – it was just cool enough to need a jacket. Lafayette Square is famous for its Victorian houses, so we did some sight-seeing there. I don’t know what we did for lunch – at this point all the food events merge together. I know we went to a meat market and went to a couple of Randy’s favorite stores. 

Theresa and Tom also drove down in Friday and stayed with us. They brought their 18-month grand-daughter with them. She’s is a lovely baby – well-behaved and very friendly. We drove out to Global Foods, which offers groceries that appeal to several different nationalities. They have a section for India, Turkey, Korea, Britain, Spain, Bosnia, etc – just about everything. For dinner we went to a near-by barbecue place that Randy and I often eat at.

Saturday we went to Soulards for fresh fruit, then to a meat market where they offer lots of samples. Afterwards we went to Carl’s deli for lunch, where they make the best pastrami sandwiches imaginable.  At that point Lonnie declared he was done eating for the week!  So we went to the St. Louis history museum; Randy and I had not visited it before, so it was new to all of us.  They have a permanent display about the 1904 World’s Fair and one about Charles Lindberg. Afterwards we sat around the RV park talking. Eventually Theresa and Tom needed to go home, so we went out with them for a light dinner to a place called the Chocolate Bar.  We had appetizers of baked brie with apples, bacon and nuts, and a small pizza. Then everyone ordered desserts – mine was a chocolate bread pudding with chocolate sauce.  

Lonnie and Chris left very early Sunday morning before I was up.  Now we’re enjoying a break in the winter weather here.  It’s supposed to get near 70 – I don’t know if it will make it that far, but it’s pretty nice.  All the snow is about gone, and we turned the heater off.

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