
We are enjoying a very mild summer. We finally pulled up our 2 tomato plants.  They got a few blooms but never produced a single tomato. It turned out they did not have good roots. The chives and flowers in the pots are doing well though.

We biked the Tour de Donut again this year, but it didn’t go well. It started raining hard right after we started. For a few miles I could not see anything. Then, as I was biking up a hill, the chain slipped off the gears of my bike. I fiddled around with it but could not get it to slip back on. Eventually it did go on but by that time, between the rain and the chain and the fact that I hadn’t practiced much, I lost the will to finish it. I met up with Randy at the first stop and we both agreed to stop. We caught a ride back to the starting point on one of the SAG wagons.  We loaded our bikes on the bike rack on the van and rode back inside the van.

We have found a place to spend the winter! It’s just a few miles south of Phoenix, Arizona, called Quail Run RV park. It looks good – pretty area, good weather, a pool and a workout room. I’m looking forward to this now! Randy is going to work 3 days on, then 6 days off.  That should allow us time to get out and see the country around there. We still have a lot to do to get ready. I already told my boss that my last day will be September 3rd.  

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