Visiting with Mom and Kathy

It's 27 degrees - this is crazy! 

Sunday Randy drove me to Mom's to stay with her, while he headed to Alton to visit with Aaron.  I just had a few days this time, so I got busy on the list. I glued some loose bricks, then got her new tv to work by removing the extra, broken box before having lunch (Oscar Mayer bologna). But Mom had bought a little 24 inch tv, so I took her to Walmart to get a larger TV and set it up for her. She fixed us some hambugers for dinner (with grated potatoes) and we watched the Apple Dumpling Gang.

Monday we went to Hardee's with Kathy. I was developing a pretty bad head cold but was able to cut and color Kathy's hair. I also took Mom to Walmart, Goodwill, and Dollar General. Today's menu: Oscar Mayer bologna for lunch, and Sloppy Joes and mac-and-cheese for dinner.  After dinner we played rummy and watched The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again.

Tuesday I breakfasted on leftover Sloppy Joes and Mac-and-cheese before taking Mom to Ecetera. We also returned her 24 inch TV to Walmart and stopped by the Book Nook so she could look for her paperbacks. Back home for Oscar Mayer bologna lunch before taking a nap - still have the head cold. In the afternoon I took some photos of Mom in one of her favorite red outfits, then did her eyebrows and trimmed her hair for her. As soon as I knew I was done driving for the day, I took some NyQuil to help me sleep. The evening plan was hamburgers, Sloppy Joes, cards, and a Shirley temple movie.

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