For breakfast we had some of Randy's wonderful cinnamon rolls. Then, when nobody could decide what to do, Randy suggested we do the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. None of us had been there before so we didn't know what to expect. What we found was wonderful! Just a little ways inside the park we pulled over where a lady was standing, and she pointed out little baby alligators! There must have been 2 nests because some were so young they still had rounded little snouts and some had more elongated noses.

Of course where there are baby gators, there will be mommy gators. In fact, as we walked over we saw one a few feet out in the water as she sank below the surface. It probably would have been smart to leave but instead we kept an eye out for her as we admired her babies. Fortunately these alligators must be used to seeing people around. They are certainly used to the sleek red-beaked Moorhens who share their leaf-covered waters.
Alligators are the stars of the show here. They are not tame, but they feel safe enough that they are not terribly shy, either.
At first we exclaimed at every one we spotted but eventually we got so used to seeing them that we could enjoy everything else here, like the abundance of water birds. I have a weak spot for Great Blue Herons. They are so tall and graceful, even when they are just relaxing in the sun.
Overhead a very large bird started making noise. It had an eagle-like body and a black eye-stripe - an Osprey. I didn't know they were this big.
This was a great place for a photo. Turns out everybody wants their photo taken; in the lower left corner is an alligator!
And oh, how beautiful are the snowy white Great Egrets. These long-legged beauties rival swans for elegance.
Everywhere Anhingas perched and spread their wings. Without water repellent feathers, they need to dry in the sun.
We got used to seeing alligators in the water. But along the bank we spotted a HUGE alligator walking along like a dinosaur. By the time I grabbed my camera he had laid down, so big and shining in the sun that you would think this couldn't be real, it must be a halloween prop. Then he eased himself down the bank and into the water without a ripple, disappearing into his realm. We were inside the truck and across the canal from him and he was still scary.This part of the canal had even more alligators than the beginning section. We passed one who was slowly but determinedly chasing a smaller one out of his area.
And sometimes we found one close to the edge, giving us a long, hard look.
I love them all, these untamed wild things. When we reached the end of the driving loop, we headed to Eaton's Beach for a late lunch/early dinner. I simply cannot order anything but their Mac and Cheese, while the guys love the Shrimp and Grits. Last time we were here Glenda ordered a burger, but this time she opted for a fish sandwich. Everything is still great. And it was home to one last sighting - the goofy tourist!

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