05/23/24 A pretty good Thursday after that awful Wednesday.

Thursday morning Randy took some more pain meds and we went back to finish his scheduled tests. Good thing his walking test was yesterday - between the pain and the heavy drug he wasn't breaking any records today!

He had a lung capacity test, a heart echo, and an EKG. It's interesting to watch his heart working. 

The cardiac sonographer explained that the blue color marked blood going into the heart and red marked blood coming out. 

Next we met our new coordinator, Kristy. I like her - she seems proactive and understanding. There was a big gap in our schedule today and she was able to move our last appointment up a couple of hours for us. And for the little while we did have to wait, she took us to the Bone Marrow Biopsy area and let Randy lay down in a private room. That was appreciated because between the pain (which had gone down but not disappeared), the heavy pain medicines, and the lack of sleep, the poor guy was almost falling asleep every time he sat down! After our last meeting with a social worker, Kristy showed us an example of the room where he will be staying for 2 weeks. And we were able to leave the hospital around 11:30 and were home by 2pm.

Randy’s leg is much better, thank God! Now we need to see if the test results indicate if Randy is a good candidate for the bone marrow transplant. If so, we will go back to Stands for several days for the bone stem cells collection process. 

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