Update from Jackie: Yesterday I developed a sore throat and was very tired so I spent the day in bed, trying to beat the illness before it got a good hold on me. Fortunately I felt a little better today, because today the group of RVers we hang out with had another theme party. This time it was a Mexican theme, so Randy made pulled pork enchiladas. The site we used for the last couple of parties was still available so we set up a bunch of chairs and some tables there again. Everyone brought something, but after awhile we discovered that nobody brought desserts! So Randy brought over the blueberry-banana bread he baked yesterday – not exactly a Mexican dessert, but really good.
Nancy brought a piñata and the guys took turns trying to break it.

Randy delivered the final blow and we found that there were several little miniature liqueurs mixed in with the candy! Unfortunately a couple of them broke as they hit the ground, but most survived intact, and were quickly snatched up. A lot of the candy was Mexican candy (naturally) and I have to say, I didn’t care for it. One example was pineapple-flavored candy with a salt-and-pepper outside coating. Not exactly Hersheys!

And here's a couple of pics of our cuties, doing what they do best - napping!
Nancy brought a piñata and the guys took turns trying to break it.

Randy delivered the final blow and we found that there were several little miniature liqueurs mixed in with the candy! Unfortunately a couple of them broke as they hit the ground, but most survived intact, and were quickly snatched up. A lot of the candy was Mexican candy (naturally) and I have to say, I didn’t care for it. One example was pineapple-flavored candy with a salt-and-pepper outside coating. Not exactly Hersheys!

And here's a couple of pics of our cuties, doing what they do best - napping!