January 31, 2013 Thus ends the first month of 2013

The days sort of drift together, on the beach.  It’s been surprisingly cool (bordering on cold) some mornings, but today started sunny and warm.  We took our dogs out for a walk out on the beach, and since nobody else there, we let them off-leash for awhile.  We were happy to see Julienne run around a little - hopefully she's coming out of her depression.  And Shorty took to the beach like, well, like a fish to water!  He loves to run on the beach, sniffing and pawing at the sand, and when he gets thirsty, he takes a quick drink of salty water.  I know that isn’t good for him but he never drinks very much.  He had such a great time!
Lonnie and Chris are staying just down the beach from us so we stopped by to see them.  They have a huge dog named Fanny and a little bitty dog named Pita.  Pita is the cutest thing - she’s tiny and fragile-looking but full of attitude.  At first she was skittish of these newcomers in her yard, especially the noisy one (Shorty), but eventually she decided to teach him who was boss.  Shorty said she fights like a cat.
But she's also a good wrestler.  And a good chaser.  And a good friend.
While the dogs were playing, Lonnie fixed us a breakfast/ brunch/lunch.  Whatever you call it, it was great!  And he had quite an audience - cooking sausage is a great way to make friends.
After that meal is when the day started drifting away.  We did some small, random tasks and Randy went grocery shopping, and then it was time for dinner.  We went back to Lonnie and Chris's 5th wheel where Randy and Chris fixed fried fish, batter-fried veggies, baked mac-and-cheese and garlic bread, followed by Randy's excellent nutella-and-banana crepes.  Randy fried the fish outside, where it got steadily windier and colder.  It was a great night to be inside, although the outside is where the beautiful sunset was going on.  

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