Summergrass San Diego Bluegrass Festival - day 3

Today we didn't have to work on the sewer line - YEA!  But it wasn't a day off - all the time we didn't spend working on the sewer line we spent working in the kitchen. The work starts at 7 am (not for me, of course) and ends around 8:30 at night. I made it in around 8 am and worked on and off all day. I took a couple of breaks to watch Becky Buller's two sets, and bought her CD. 
Back in the kitchen we had a good dinner crowd. At 7 we switched to dessert - cherry and peach crips a la mode. And the word must have spread from last night's customers because we had a big line waiting, and that pretty much never stopped. The crowd ended about the same time as we were running out of things, so it was a good evening. 

But wow, we are tired!

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