Royal Caribbean Cruise - Day 5

This morning started with breakfast on Deck 3, as usual. We ordered a la carte today, but for some reason everyone's eggs Benedict were hard-boiled. Oh, well, we ate it all anyway.

Today we got off the boat to see Routan, Honduras. We hoped there would be lots of walking around a local town but we quickly discovered the area was mostly a few standard jewelry and souvenir stores. From the ship we could see a small town behind the stores, but it was blocked off. The only other section open to the cruise ship passengers was the area to catch a bus for an excursion. 
Ok, we'll investigate what we can. 
We found one little kiosk that sold handmade items made from recycled materials, such as soda can pop-tops. I'd rather support a local artist than get stuff sent over from China, so I now own a pair of red soda pop-top earrings. 
The bathroom on the second level of the big store did not have paper or soap, but it was clean. Their second story was where we found a couple more local craftsmen, including a chocolatier and an older gentleman slowly rolling cigars. 
Back on the street we passed (and tipped) a couple of dudes making music for the crowds. 
We decided not to eat on shore, since there was a cruise ship full of food waiting for us. But I liked the use of natural materials in one restaurant. 
I did ask Randy for some chips and soda, to snack on as we walked around. We bumped into Gary and Erin, and when I admired the bracelet Erin had on, she directed me to the right vendor so I could get one, too. 

We were still looking for something to do when Randy found place with a special massage promotional offer - 2 for $50.  The business was pretty new - they had been open 3 days - and we decided that would be a nice thing to do. Good decision! We both got a great massage of neck, arms, hands, legs and feet. When we left there we were so relaxed that we decided to get a drink and just sit down awhile. The bar guy mixed me a Pineapple Colada, and something called a Monkey Lala for Randy. Excellent!
Out in the harbor people kept lining up to get in. There were 4 big cruise ships in port today and not enough docks, so some folks had to be tendered in. Wow, there are a lot of people streaming through this tiny port!
Back on board our ship we leaned over the side to admire the crystal clear water below. I don't know how deep this was, but it was deep enough to handle our ship, and yet the bottom was clearly visible. 
We went to the Boardwalk Dog House onboard and ordered the Coney Island Dog. Turns out they have no idea what a Coney Island Dog is, because they served us an ordinary hot dog on a bun. Poo.

We managed to fit in a quick nap before dinner tonight. Randy had crab cakes, pork loin, and a lovely Grand Marnier soufflé. I had spaghetti Bolognese, apple pie a la mode, and 3 cheese muffins with brie. 

Shortly after dinner we all met in the Royal Theater to watch "Columbus, the Musical". There are some talented singers here, although so far I like the water show best. 

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