1/16/89 Monday - Belgium to Spain

1/16/89 Monday – I got up around 4:30 am this day, to get a ride at 6 am to the airport with Luke, his wife, their son and Rita. We took the 6 passenger Saber Liner to Bilbao. Denis Feron owns the Chemtco and loves to fly planes; this day he was the co-pilot on our flight. The rules are that the co-pilot serves coffee, so we were served by the company president. He was very polite and did a nice job, too. It was a good flight, around 1½ hours. We flew mostly above the clouds, which looked like an ocean below, but without movement. We saw a great sunrise. The Spanish coast is beautiful, with lots of cliffs, clouds and mist. 
We arrived at Bilbao and I got another passport stamp. Rita rented a car and drove us directly to Ercosa. The foundry is in Asua, which is a very short drive from the airport. It's not very clean, but everyone was nice. And I met everyone at Ercosa, then started to look at the system. Later I has a 3½ hour meeting with Mario and Adolpho about security, work, hardware, etc. Lunch was in the cafeteria – soup, bread, steak (not good, thin and tough), an orange and red wine. I worked with Rita until 6:30, when she drove us to the company apartment to drop off our luggage. Then she drove us into Bilbao, where I attended a 1½ private Spanish lesson. We got out at 9:30, went back to the apartment and I called Randy. Wish he was here!

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