09/04/09 First day of retirement

Woke up at 6:30 on the first day of full retirement!  Took the jeep in for a free oil change, and they fixed a tire that had picked up a nail.  Stopped by for a cheese pocket at Ed and Ann’s favorite donut shop – it was OK, but not show-stopping.  Went to Sams, Walmart and Shop & Save to buy groceries for the trip to Arizona, because we don’t plan on eating out much.  Used the vacuum packer to create smaller packages for the freezer.  Randy cancelled Direct TV and I changed the address on Discover.  I called Blue Cross of Iowa, but the sales staff is in an all-day training session, so I will need to call back on Monday.   Manna had an accident on the bed again.  First thing tomorrow morning we will get her to the vet.  We meet Aaron and Dezina Synder and Randy and Kris Reddick for dinner at Cicero’s.  Had hot wings and an appetizer platter, and shared a couple of large Pig Pizzas, and Randy had carrot cake.   They wouldn’t allow us to pay for any of it.  Made Jake blush while he was waiting on our table by planning Randy’s career as a gigolo.  Dezina gave us some chocolates and a wine cork trivet – Aaron made the trivet and Dezina arranged wine corks in it, from wine we had shared.  Afterwards we went to Jake’s apartment to drop off some things that Aaron and Dezina are giving him.

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