And here's our RV and Jeep -

Friday evening most of the Maintenance crew and a few other friends got together for a potluck dinner. We set up lawn chairs in one of the unused RV sites and set serving tables under the awning of the nearest RV. Someone brought a fire pit and started a nice fire. The theme was German food - the couple hosting the event cooked brats and everyone else brought a German dish. We had cabbabge, potato salad, German chocolate cake, cole slaw, etc. Randy made Nurenberg Soup – we had that when we visited Nurenburg several years ago, and it was so good that Randy recreated it when we got home. As usual, it was great! To our surprise, it rained that evening. That was the first time it rained since we got here. Fortunately it was after everyone had eaten and it didn’t rain very much, so folks just stood under the awning for a few minutes.
And Saturday the RV Park had a “welcome back” lunch for the snow-birds who have arrived. They served hamburgers, baked beans, and some good desserts. It was fortunate that the event was inside because partway thru it, the heavens opened up and it downpoured! For about 10 minutes the rain just roared down. The ground here is so hard that rain can’t soak into it, and there isn’t any grass to hold it long enough for the ground to soften, so it runs off quickly. The park has a large gully along the back fence and the drives are very slightly sloped towards it, so all the rainwater quickly accumulates there. It’s nicknamed the Quail Run Shore.
We are still organizing the RV. I am convinced that is a never-ending project. I had been looking for a tablecloth to fit the small RV table, but I wanted something a bit unusal , instead of going to Walmart to buy one. At the Arizona State Fair one of the vendors was selling Persion cloths. According to him, these cloths were hand-made, stamped with a pattern, hand-painted, and then dried in the sun for 30 days to set the paint. He also said that they used to sell this type of product many years ago, but they haven’t been able to for years because of some rules made by the Muslim government. However, recently they have been allowed to market their products again. I don’t know if any of this is true, but it sounded like a good story to me! So I got one to use as a tablecloth.

I have discovered a little plant called a Lithop (discovered it in Lowe's - they sell it there). It’s nickname is “living stones” because that’s pretty much what it looks like – stones. I love this thing! I looked up some info on the internet, and apparently the main problem people have raising these is overwatering. I think they only need water during the summer season. Although it is not recommended, they have lived up to 2 years without water.

And they bloom!

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