
I really enjoyed spending Christmas with Mom, Kathy and Ruth.  It’s been cold enough here that I need to warm up the car to get the frost off.  But the RV is still plenty warm.  Randy made some shelves for us.  They hang right by the driver’s seat, against the window shade.  It’s nice to be able to put up a few of our keepsakes.  

Randy is working late a lot now and I want to have dinner ready when he gets home, so I am trying my hand at cooking again.  So far I made lentil soup, ribs and sauerkraut, and stuffed green peppers.  It hasn’t all come out as good as I want, but it hasn’t been terrible.  I hope to get better.  We got all of our stuff out of storage, but that doesn’t mean we have a place for everything.  We have a few things over at Aaron and Dezina’s, and our truck and car are simply packed full.

On Sunday we went to the symphony.  It was a special presentation where they showed “The Wizard of Oz” on a huge screen over the orchestra, and the orchestra played all of the music live.  It sounded great, and Randy and I both enjoyed it a lot.  

We didn’t do much for New Years.  I stayed up till midnight watching TV, but Randy conked out early. On New Years Day we went out to dinner with Aaron and Dezina.  It was hard to find a place open - we ended up at a Vietnamese restaurant, which was really very good. And Friday our Christmas present arrived – the 32” high definition flat screen TV.  Now Randy has to find time to make something to attach it to!  

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