
We are supposed to get some of that arctic weather in the next couple of days.  Randy and I seem to have a hard time handling it.  Hopefully we can find a way to avoid it in the future.  

I’ve been working with a new phone message system for our church.  It’s called One Call Now, and it’s a way for the pastor to send a phone message to everyone in church with just one phone call.  It seems like it will work out pretty good.  

We haven’t attached our new big-screen TV to the wall yet, but we have set it up on a small kitchen stand so we are using it now - I really like it.  We moved the small TV we had been using into the bedroom to replace an old TV there.  I suspect the old bedroom TV was old enough that it wouldn’t work after the big switch to HD, so it’s just as well that we got rid of it.  It only worked if you jiggled it just right, and sometimes it would go out in the middle of a show.  

I’m still cooking – the spaghetti and stuffed mushrooms came out pretty good, but the pork loin was dry, and I didn’t like the stuffing I used in it.  The dogs like it when I cook – they get a lot more leftovers!

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