
It’s gotten really cold here a few days.  We forgot to open the cabinet doors and let a stream of water run one night, and the water froze up.  But it thawed out the next morning, so no harm was done.   Randy is working on replacing the faucet in the kitchen.  The one we are using leaks.

We went out to dinner with friends on Friday evening, and later that night Randy was really sick.  He stayed in bed all day Saturday, and after that he seemed to get over it, so we wonder if it was a bit of food poisoning.  

Now I’m the one having problems.  Saturday my face started flushing bright red and the skin was rough.  Sunday it was less red but my left cheek started to swell.  Monday it was swollen quite a bit so I went to an Urgent Care facility.  They think I’m having an allergic reaction to something but don’t know what.  I’m on Benadryl and Prednisone for a few days.  And while I was waiting to get my prescription filled, my right ankle sort of popped and I couldn’t walk.  What a Monday!  So today I have a bright red face and a walking stick.    

This weekend I’m going to a Ladies Retreat with several women from my church.  It will run from Friday evening through Saturday evening. 

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