
Randy upped his daily walking goal from 15 laps to 20. And promptly did 35 laps.

He is not retaining as much water but still has some. Brittany doesn't want to give him more meds because it's in the same group as the stuff he reacted badly to on 5/22, so he will continue to improve naturally.

He's getting some sleep but I'm not. Even in the hotel I can't seem to sleep without him.

Since his immune levels haven't dropped yet, Brittany said he could walk a bit outside of the ward. So we walked out to the clinic area and up to the 8th floor, where Randy could look out to a slightly different view.

All in all it was an uneventful day, which, when you're in the hospital, is the very best kind of day. May the rest of his days here be just like this one!

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