
I did not sleep well Wednesday night on the hospital couch but last night at the hotel I slept like I was drugged! I had a quick turkey sandwich went over to see Randy. He was feeling good so I walked back to the hotel to get the truck because he had a short list of things that would make his stay easier. The valet brought the truck right to the door but there were a lot of vehicles there and I had a ridiculously hard time getting out - eventually I backed out the "in" driveway. Then on to Walmart. Afterwards I went to Sam's club for gas and to pick up 2 trays of snacks for the staff - they are all wonderful!

Today lots of people came to check on Randy but no problems except he is retaining fluids. Well, yes, he had to eat a lot of frozen treats and they had him on an IV all night (to rinse away the medium that the stem cells were in). So today they gave him a bit of something to help counter that and will watch it. 

Brittany added to the bandage over his central venous line. The newer bandage doesn't stay on as well but it's much better for his skin - no more welts - so he will continue with that type.

Patients here should walk as much as they can. To encourage this the nurses set up a board where patients mark their circuits around the wing. Randy continues to be the champion hall-walker.

Since we are going to be here so long, it's great that the hospital has a free laundry room. I did a load today yesterday catch us up. Each machine has to be cleaned after each use, using gloves and sanitizing wipes.

Later in the evening Randy gave the second treat tray to the the night staff, but I was long gone. Since I walk to the hotel, I leave while it's still light outside.

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