The process continues

Each day Randy's immunity count goes down - it drops by half each day so in a few days he won't have any left. This is normal and expected but it's unnerving to live through. Randy's appetite and energy are dropping, too.  But the staff here are wonderful. Last night the night nurse Jahlia was so soft-spoken and efficient that Randy was able to get back to sleep every time she woke him to take his vitals, even when she had to turn on the light to take blood samples. At least she could use the central line instead of having to stick him.
Today Randy's appetite was really low - he skipped most of breakfast and lunch. And then Jeremy, husband of patient Brenda who Randy met while walking laps, went out and brought us back cheeseburgers from Bev's. Excellent - that fixed the appetite!
Randy continues to walk the equivalent of two or three miles every day. He is doing everything the nurses tell him to do and is very appreciative of everyone's efforts on his behalf. Our favorite nurse Brittany seems to appreciate Randy, too!

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