
This morning at the Bone Marrow Check In Lab the tech put in IV to draw blood to check number of stem cells and for later use (has try twice).

2 Shots today as usual. The nurse today is Kamila, not Julie. Julie was good but somehow the shots today didn't hurt as much so Kamilia is our favorite.

Then we walked the tunnel to other building. Unlike the older hospital tunnels I've been in, this one was a nice wide hallway, well lit, with ER phones along the way. Once there Randy checked into Radiology where he got 2 pages of labels to be used - how much blood are they going to take?!

Randy ended up on a hospital bed in a gown top and answering lots of questions.

The procedure is done with Ultrasound and live X-ray to make sure they know where they are working at all times. The line will go in on chest, under the skin, over collarbone and down to heart. This is done with conscious sedation and pain meds.

After about 45 minutes they wheeled him back. He was wide awake and looked great! Then they removed his IV - ouch, there went a lot of hair.

He was wheeled back through the tunnel to the Bone Marrow Clinic for more information about what to watch for and what to do if that line looks displaced (Panic? Cause that seems reasonable to me!)

The cut above it is where the line was inserted and instead of wasting time with stitches, they just glued it shut!

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