Tonight was the Halloween party at the RV Park. About half the folks dressed up, including Randy and me. Randy went as the Spirit of Christmas Present, from the movie “A Christmas Carol”. A trip to Goodwill provided a red tablecloth and a silver tinsel garland. I sewed the garland all around the tablecloth, then sewed a couple of seams to create a robe with sleeves. We added gold roping around the neck, and made a belt of gold roping with little wrapped present boxes. A couple of small Christmas stockings were pinned to the sleeves, just for grins. And to top it all off, we made a crown of colored garland with battery bowered Christmas lights. Actually, it was a great costume!
My costume was simpler to make, and easier to wear. I wore a loose, casual dress (also acquired at Goodwill) and stapled a bunch of plastic bags to it. So I went as . . . a bag lady!

We took some treats to share – popcorn cake, chocolate clusters and pumpkin bark. There were a ton of snacks and appetizers already there, plus soda and punch. We sat with some friends and admired all the costumes, and danced a few times. I was able to remember enough of my one line dancing lesson to join several line dances. All in all, it was a great evening!
Randy and Jackie, I've really enjoyed reading you blog. It does make us a little jealous, but gives us so much to look forward to in just a few short years. The things you are doing sound like some much fun. We hope you are both enjoying your retirement. Please keep posting it helps get us through the days until we can join you.
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys, Randy and Kris
Thanks! I am trying to find a way to add pictures. Right now I can only add pics that use 50k of memory, and that's about....almost none.