Bridges and restaurants of Las Arenas

Las Arenas is a nice waterfront town just north of Bilbao. The section we saw didn't have a beach but it was a pretty town. 
A fine place for a blond tourist to wander around.
There are some nice shops here. This is where I bought my red leather jacket; at the time it seemed to be a perfect jacket. The only picture I have of it was when I wore it on our trip to Castros.
The most common pets we were in Spain were German Shepherds, and every one of them was excellently trained. The dogs would follow their master without the need for a leash. I saw people bring their unleashed German Shepherds into stores and the dogs never left their master's side. Las Arenas was one of the few places where I saw another type of dog; this huge dog next to the baby stroller appealed to me.
Downtown there is a bridge which connects Las Arenas to Portugalete; this bridge was designed by a student of Gustave Eiffel, of Eiffel Tower fame. It’s supposed to be the oldest transporter bridge and it’s real name is the Vizcaya Bridge but everyone I knew called it the Eiffel Tower Bridge.
Near the bridge was a very good Italian restaurant. I never knew the name of the restaurant; everyone I knew just called it the Eiffel Tower Restaurant. They made a very excellent lasagna, served in a bowl with a heavy cream sauce all over it. They also made good sandwiches: our favorite was made with tomatoes, white asparagus, lettuce, etc, topped with an egg, stacked between 3 pieces of toast with a circle cut out of the top piece so the egg showed.

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