Rock gardens and Smudge pots

Since our RV site won't be here for long after we leave, I figured I'd better do something about the rock collection I put together in the corner. These aren't special rocks, they're just pretty and I don't want them buried by a bulldozer. So Ashley kindly gave me permission to set up a rock garden by the Farmhouse. She even provided a framework, so today I moved everything to it's new home. I didn't move the tree stump; no sense putting in something that is going to rot. Ashley let me use an old wheel rim; I put little rocks in sections of the wheel, by color, then filled in the rest. No prize, but I like it.
Last night Dan asked us over to see a smudge pot in action. He got a few of these in the auction and set one up in his front yard. It puts out a pretty, flickering glow along the tube section and a lot of heat; it actually makes a great yard piece.

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