Long night

Saturday afternoon Randy got a fever. It's common at this point but it's also very dangerous so they take it very seriously.

Brittney drew blood from his CVL and more blood from his hand. It's the first time he had to get stuck since he got the CVL but they were looking for bacteria. There is a (miniscule) chance of bacteria in the CVL or hand so they compare the 2 tests.

And he got a chest x-ray.

And he was given Tylenol and will get antibiotics via IV every 8 hours: it worked and his temp went down. 

At the 7 the shift change Randy's temp went back up so they ran an EKG, then Randy went back to sleep hooked up to antibiotics in an IV pole and with a heart monitor on his finger. 

His temp did go down but at 9 pm it was up again so he got more Tylenol. The EKG indicated he needed potassium, magnesium, and hydration so those were added to his IV pole. Zack swapped on a new bag of antibiotics, then drew blood from the CVL to check for enzymes that indicate heart damage. That was a scary phrase to me. Zack said that it happens maybe 40 - 50 % of the time and they know how to manage it. 

Later PA Matt started Randy on a something to correct his occasional extra heartbeats. He also ordered a Telemetry box: they put EKG leads on his chest connected to a phone-sized box that Randy will carry in his PJ pocket. It will be monitored 24/7 by a group on the 5th floor. 

I'm not sure how much of this Randy knew; he is so exhausted. When they came in to take his blood pressure at 10 he hardly woke at all.

Zack came in several times durning the night to change IV bags and check his heart monitor. In-between times Alyssa came in to take his blood pressure.

In the wee hours of the morning someone came in to take another x-ray. By then neither of us roused much.

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