Waiting to go home

In spite of knowing otherwise, being out of the hospital really did feel like Randy's health had taken a huge leap forward and life should be almost normal. We celebrated with great burgers at Bev's. Even having to buy a new truck battery didn't take the shine off the day. Back at the hotel it took some time to rearrange everything to fit Randy's stuff in. The hospital room actually had more storage! We got it sorted out and picked up an Arby's Rueben for dinner at the hotel.

Since Randy has been starting everyday with laps, we walked over to the hospital for breakfast. They make a pretty good sausage, egg and cheese sandwich for me and Randy got a banana chocolate chip muffin. But that was enough to make us both tired so when we got back to the hotel we crashed hard and got a couple of hours of solid sleeping. 

There is not much do now - just eat, drink, sleep, and mask when we go out for like light exercise. Fortunately that is exactly what Dr Dean told us to do.  A few more boring days and we should get to go home.

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