Wednesday - back in the hospital

Getting the shot yesterday seemed to stop downward plummet of Randy's ANC but it still went down a bit. And it needs to go up, a lot.

He's scheduled for daily shots for the next few days and because he's so Neutropenic the doctor does not want him to leave the area yet. The conversation about going home was pushed out until Monday. The only "good" thing this news was that it sucked out all our energy and made it easy to sleep all day.

Then between 4 and 5 Randy got the fever we've been warned about all week. Up and down, then up past the critical point. Per doctor's orders we knew to go to the ER. We called the Bone Marrow Clinic night operator who connected us to a doctor who was clueless. Meanwhile I got hold of the Bone Marrow Charge Nurse who said yes to the ER and she would alert her night staff to be ready for us.

The ER was awful. The excellence of the seventh floor is not present here. The staff seemed inefficient and indifferent. They took Randy back to triage area while I stayed in the waiting room, trying to find a spot where I could avoid sick people. Occasionally I would ask about Randy and eventually was told they had a room for him. I assumed they meant in the Bone Marrow ward so I texted Randy to tell him.  He texted back that he had passed out back there. So the room was in the ER ward, just like when he came in on 5/22. We have learned that the only way to get semi-timely care here is by passing out. Nurse Taylor took good care of Randy there but even she couldn't speed up the process. Eventually a couple of doctors came in and said Randy would be admitted to the Bone Marrow ward. 

So here we are again. There is something wrong, which is awful, but this is the right place to address it. It will be another night of prayers.

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