Sunday looked a lot like Saturday

I write down how we spend time at the hospital for the same reason I write about our vacations - years from now we will look back and remember how much we have to be grateful for. In this case it will be gratitude for God getting Randy through this.

We were so tired Sunday morning and then it got busy because Randy's fever came back.

Shands used a computer system called MEWS that tracks several pieces of data (heart rate, fever, etc,) and runs an algorithm to decide when to alert the Stat RNs, aka Swat RNs. Today Randy's values triggered the Swat RNs and a couple of them came to meet him.

No action was needed yet but if that changes they will come back to evaluate and make a plan. My understanding is their main focus is to avoid or treat sepsis

Dr Dean came to see Randy. She didn't think this is an infection but it's not out of the question. She listened to his heart, looked in his mouth, and checked his ankles. Two minutes later PA Jeff came in with a student nurse and repeated everything.

PCA Lexi came in to check his vitals (temp, blood pressure, heart rate) and tell Randy he is at level Q1 now so vitals have to be checked every hour.  So there will be no sleep today.

Unfortunately Randy's temp stayed up almost all day. The bright spot was when Jerry and Lori sent us dinner from Outback: Alice Springs Chicken, baked potatoes, asparagus, bread, and desserts - so good!

During the night the Stat RNs came again, this time for real. Two came in to see Randy and 3 more lingered outside the door. They asked Randy a bunch of questions, talked with Zack, and are holding off on changes yet.

Randy got a transfusion of Platelets and potassium, and a little more sleep than last night

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