
So we are back in the hospital again. Personally I got 3 hours of sleep, I have no idea how much Randy got. Apparently they got his room ready quickly last night so I spent this morning getting towels, shampoo, those elusive shower shoes, lotion, ect that hadn't been delivered yet. I went back to the hotel at 11:00 last night to get clothes and bathroom items for us so that helps.

Lots of people were checking in on him today, taking vitals, discussing symptoms, hooking up an IV. So yes, he's attached to an IV pole again. They are almost certain that he does not have a bacterial infection but they are giving him treatments for it anyway. They are also giving him a treatment for some kind of pneumonia, although he doesn't have that, either. Maybe it helps keep that stuff at bay, I don't know. 

What they think he has is a viral infection, or at least that's what the doctor said when he came by. The 48 hour cultures need to mature before they actually know what they might (or might not) be dealing with. Randy's got a sore throat now so he's probably going to get more cultures for that. 

The only bright spot was meeting Jeremy and Brenda at the front desk. Brenda was discharged but comes in twice a week for tests. We thought Randy was having a treatment that required him to be isolated so they prayed with me on the hallway. Then I learned that he could have visitors. Brenda, of course, stayed out because she needs to avoid whatever Randy has, but Jeremy masked up and visited with Randy awhile.

Randy's ANC continues to decrease, it's down to 160 now. He still doesn't have an appetite and we are both exhausted. This sounds whiny but this is just my blog, not Facebook, so I might as well be honest. I would not document this journey if I wasn't sure of the outcome. So I consol myself by thinking how grateful for we will be to look back at this, after Randy is well. We live in faith.

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