Thursday night - what's sleep anyway?

Having gotten approximately 2 hours of sleep the previous night, Randy was really, really tired. Thursday, per instructions, he walked a couple of laps and sat up most of the day. By 6 pm he called it a day and went to bed.

Of course people kept coming in, all of them very kind and doing necessary things that will make Randy better, and every one of them very much appreciated. This is not unusual; many people have similar experiences and it's just part of the journey. We are everlastingly grateful to God that we are here, where the kind staff know what they are doing. But mental and emotional gratitude sometimes bumps up against the purely physical need for just a little sleep.

Randy felt warm to me when he went to bed at so RN Ryan came to take his temp - yes, fever - and came back with Tylenol.

Shortly after Ryan came to introduce RN Dorian for the shift change. 

PCA Sophia to take vitals.

Dorian came with meds.

Phlebotomist arrived to draw blood.

Sophia took vitals.

Sophia took vitals.

Sophie took vitals. Randy had a fever again, even higher.

Dorian came to give him Tylenol.

Dorian came to hang a antibiotic IV. Heart rate was also elevated so Vital checks will be even more frequent! Randy put a cool washcloth in forehead and tried for a bit of sleep before the next checkup, which came in 30 minutes.

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