Waiting to get well enough to leave

The steroids wiped out the fever so last night they removed Randy's telemetry box and replaced his antifungal IV with a pill. So now he's not connected to any outside machines, which feels like a huge step.

Everything problem listed in yesterday's post is still true, and the latest concern is that any activity makes Randy very short of breath. Prior to his fevers he was walking 2 miles a day. Now he struggles to do 2 laps. The current guess (and they are guessing) is that this is a side effect from the steroids, so they want to decrease them. But the steroids have been keeping the dangerous fevers at bay, so the plan is to wean him off slowly. This will probably change his release date but we cannot leave the hospital until this is under control.

The staff continued to be great and constantly ask if we need anything. It's funny, they are generous to the point of wastefulness with things like face masks, but the non-slip (and non- reusable) shower shoes are handed out one at a time and on request only as if they are precious gold.

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