No sleep

Unfortunately Randy's values triggered another visit from the Stat Nurse around 8:30 Monday night. He still said no changes were needed, thank God.

But during the night Randy was either burning hot or shaking with cold, and he was so restless he could not get any sleep. It doesn't help that since his fever first started he's been hooked up to a IV pole 24/7, and since Saturday he's had another device connected to his chest and stuck in his pocket. And there are 3 monitors in the room; even when we cover them with pillowcases they are still pretty bright.

Between ice packs, heated blankets, A/C adjustments, Melatonin tablets, and a portable fan, he was finally sleeping by 3 am. Too bad the nurse had to check his blood pressure and temp every hour.

By the 4 am visit we were so tired that we no longer asked what the temp reading was; we figured she'd tell us if it mattered. And she did tell us - it went up. So she removed a blanket and added an ice pack. We really can't wait for the night to be over.


  1. Can he have a sleep mask

  2. No, that's not available here and we didn't bring anything like that with us.
