The first success!

This morning Randy's ANC report went from zero to 110! That means the process is working and the stem cells are building a new immune system! God is great and so good!!

We have been avoiding talking about it but there was a very small chance the new cells wouldn't grow. Can't describe how terrible that would be. But they are!

This makes everything worthwhile. Of course Randy still has a long way to go. 110 is a long way from the 3,300 he came in with, and there are a lot of other numbers that need to increase, and he needs to stay healthy all along the way. Even after his ANC is normal he will have to spend months slowly rebuilding his immunity. We will be careful every step but we know now that this process is working!

With about 2 hours of sleep last night we are laying low today. Randy had a bit of breakfast and went back to bed almost immediately. He still has a fever and feels terrible but he's getting better sleep than he has for several nights.

Every day for the last week every nurse and pa has been asking Randy if he has a rash. Today the answer was finally "yes". It's a sign of "engraftment syndrome" which is a reaction to the process. Symptoms include fever, a rash, etc. Until the rash showed up they had to assume the fever could be from an infection and test/treat accordingly. Now the doctor is comfortable ordering some steroids which should stop the fevers. We are counting our blessings.

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